Recent content by Adzoe

  1. A

    What is the weight-bearing capacity of lightweight aerogel material?

    Aerogel can bear considerable weight in compression mode, but is very fragile under tension such as weighting it with a load that is not directly over the supporting structure. There is an aerogel half the weight of balsa that has better strength characteristics. See "Nothing to It" by...
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    How do ionic wind Lifters really work?

    An "ionic" wind radiates omnidirectionally from any coronal source. That's how the effect was discovered. Soon after this discovery it was found that surfaces having the same charge as the corona source repelled that wind and surfaces having the oposite charge attracted it. This led to a...
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    How do ionic wind Lifters really work?

    Posters here seem to operate as though this subject exists in a vacuum. Ionic wind is a well known phenomenon that is currently exploited in an ever increasing range of products and with ever improving efficiency. View, for example, the 8 patents of Krichtafovitch assigned to Kronos Air...