Recent content by allicat

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    Missile Motion: Calculating Time, Distance, and Direction

    okay, I think I've got it... a) h=50 v=200 a=9.8 t=? h=(1/2)agt^2 50=(.5)(9.8)t^2 50=4.9t^2 √10.20 = √t^2 t=3.19s b)r=? R=vt R=(200)(3.19) R=638m c) Horizontal motion is constant because there aren't...
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    Missile Motion: Calculating Time, Distance, and Direction

    Thanks, and I would have had I not only discovered PF this AM
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    Missile Motion: Calculating Time, Distance, and Direction

    Haha, I cannot draw worth a darn, but I will do my best. This is Exam Review, practice problems. The direction of motion that's constant would be to horizontal, since the vertical changes when the missile declines?... As for the acceleration, it would be verticle? Being that it...
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    Missile Motion: Calculating Time, Distance, and Direction

    I do know that we are to use the equations of motion and... displacement= (initial velocity)(change in time) + 1/2 (acceleration)(change in time)^2 But sadly, that's about it. Physics doesn't come easily to me, I am more of a Literature/History minded individual, but I am here to...
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    Missile Motion: Calculating Time, Distance, and Direction

    HELP! Semester Exam on Monday! Homework Statement A missile is fired horizontally from an aircraft carrier in the ocean. Assuming the missile was shot from a height of 50m and a horizontal velocity of 200m/s... a. How long is it in the air? b. How far away will the missile land...