Recent content by anant25121986

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    Does Color Depend on Wavelength or Frequency?

    Excellent point nasu. :approve: So the only way to find out whether it depends on wavelength or frequency will be to put the retina in a different medium and check.
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    How Do You Calculate Force and Tension in a Pulley System?

    Still not with you. Could you please explain?
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    Does Color Depend on Wavelength or Frequency?

    Yes, there are cone cells and rod cells. One of them is for determining colour and the other for general brightness. Google will help you if you are interested. What i meant by colour in my previous post was determining the type of EM wave (red, yellow, uv, etc). That depends only on the...
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    Does Color Depend on Wavelength or Frequency?

    Its true that perceiving colours depends on the shade of colours around them. Also true is the fact that the colour also depends on the illumination of a room. Assuming perfectly white light and a perfectly white background, the colour we perceive does in fact depend on frequency and not...
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    Calculating Earth's Increased Mass with Velocity Change: A Scientific Analysis

    it does require energy to bend space. To increase velocity and hence mass, we supply energy which then bends space as it moves. :)
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    Calculating Earth's Increased Mass with Velocity Change: A Scientific Analysis

    I am sorry I don't understand the type of resistance you are referring to. Is it similar to a frictional force?? One more thing. I had read somewhere about speed of light being the limit. Now, one thing we need to accept is that special relativity talks only about objects and particles below...
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    Calculating Earth's Increased Mass with Velocity Change: A Scientific Analysis

    Let me see if i am of any help. :wink: Let us start first with the concept of relativistic mass. At relativistic speeds, the mass as such remains the same. But the apparent mass increases. For all practical purposes, the mass has increased. To understand this, try to visualize a universe...
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    Length Contraction Question from Rindler

    In that case there is a small paradox created. The length of the pole as observed from the original frame will be 18/3 = 6 feet along x axis. The hole is in S frame and has a proper length of 9 feet. Hence for an observer in S frame, the rod will appear to pass through the hole. But for an...
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    AC Power and Combining Volt/Current

    in case of a 3 wire system, the difference between the wire and ground is 220V. But the three wires have a phase difference of 60 degrees each. Hence, when u calculate the rms voltage between the wires, the difference is about 440V only. Here, no wires are joined to make one wire. There are 2...
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    Length Contraction Question from Rindler

    i am not sure i get it. it says that the x-component of the velocity is v for the rod. i.e. the same as dat of S'. Hence, there should technically be no contraction observed from S' reference frame. As the rod is going in the negative y-direction, if at all contraction is observed from S' it...
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    Capacitor Applications: Filtering out AC and DC Signals

    I will cut short the math behind determining the capacitor impedence. Its value is Zc = -j/(wC) j = square root of -1 w = 2*pi*f where f is frequency of signal (AC/ripples/etc) C = Capacitance Now for fluctuations and high frequency signal, w tends to infinity causing the impedence to...
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    How Do You Calculate Force and Tension in a Pulley System?

    F = 2*m*aA = 54.29 N T1 = F1 + 2*m*g = 143.29 N I made a mistake here. The values I got were, F = 5.429 N T1 = 5.429 + 89 = 94.429 N Still very different from the answer. :(
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    How Do You Calculate Force and Tension in a Pulley System?

    Hi all, I tried solving this. And got a different answer. Below is what I did. Let us assume that acceleration of a block is positive in downward direction (as B moves down). Let the tension in the rope A-D be T1 and that in rope BC be T2. Note that the system is an accelerating system. This...
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    Why can wireless internet signals pass through walls when visible light cannot?

    Regarding the question about transparency... vacuum is transparent... no absorption/scattering is observed due to lack of atoms and molecules... in a medium however, the atoms may absorb and emit EM rays as stated... there is also a chance of bending of light waves if the obstacle's size (in...