Recent content by ashokmittal

  1. A

    How Is the Reaction at the Joint Calculated in a System of Two Uniform Rods?

    Two uniform rods AB and CD each of weight W and length a are smoothly jointed at a point O, where OB and OD are each of length b. The rods rest in a vertical plane with the ends A and C on a smooth table and the ends B and D are connected by a light string. Prove that the reaction at the joint...
  2. A

    What is the Tension in a Ladder Challenge System?

    A ladder of length 2a and weight W, with its centre of gravity 3/8 of the way up it, stands on a smooth horizontal plane resting against a smooth vertical wall, and the middle point is tied to a point in the wall by a horizontal rope of length b. Find the tension in the rope.
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    How Does Elastic String Behavior Affect Particle Motion?

    A particle of mass m is suspended under gravity from a point of the ceiling by a light elastic string of natural length h. When it is in equilibrium the extension if the string is a. It is pulled down a further distance b, which is > a, and released. Show that when the string becomes slack the...
  4. A

    Mathematica Mathematica - ListPlot3D - Any help much appreciated

    I would be most grateful if someone could help me. Basically, it would be a good idea to open up the attachment (paste into Mathematica) and then read on. Notice that “compStrats” is a function that in effect creates a list from a table. You would also notice that the output is in a funny...