Recent content by AstridMaria

  1. AstridMaria

    Volcanologists want to put sensors directly into an Underground Magma Chamber

    Keith_McClary I would say instead of: "and nothing bad happened.", and nothing bad happened YET. Source Source...
  2. AstridMaria

    Volcanologists want to put sensors directly into an Underground Magma Chamber

    My balloon example was more or less to create an image of a contained quantity under pressure. I agree it will be highly unlikely that they can "drill" into this mass.
  3. AstridMaria

    Volcanologists want to put sensors directly into an Underground Magma Chamber

    Very dangerous. Because we are so curious about what is underneath our feet, we are going to risk destabilising the Earth even further. Think about the Magna Chamber as a balloon. Prick into the "wall" of it and see what will come spewing out under "what" kind of pressure? That's why I am...