Recent content by b1029384756

  1. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    Thanks, I looked at the article as well as a proof that all primes have at least one primitive root, so now it makes perfect sense. I don't think I would have been able to come up with that on my own without more of a background in number theory, so it's definitely appreciated. I'll explain it...
  2. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    Okay, I have a step in the right direction. If p - 1 does not divide k, use the argument above to show that p is odd and p - 1 is even. So, there are an even number of terms in the sum. Suppose k is odd. Then, consider a^{k}, where a\leq(p-1)/2. Consider its additive inverse, (p-a)^{k}. Using...
  3. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    So any ideas how else I can prove that the sum will be 0 mod p? I appreciate the attempt, it seemed like a good approach to it.
  4. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    The problem I have understanding how to do that is...suppose I consider n^k and m^k for distinct m and n. We know that mm^{k} is congruent to m^{r} by using Fermat's little theorem again. I'm trying to show that then m^{r}\neqn^{r}, correct? But, that's not always the case. Suppose we have p =...
  5. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    If the values are distinct, then each of 1, 2, ..., p-1 appears once, so their sum is (p^{2}-p)/2. If p = 2, then p - 1 = 1 which divides p, so the first case applies. So, p\geq3. Then, p must be odd, so p-1 is even, and (p-1)/2 is an integer. Therefore, (p^{2}-p)/2 = p(p-1)/2 = p*n for some n...
  6. B

    Prime congruence series formula

    I'm trying to help a friend solve a problem but as I've never studied number theory, I'm having a bit of trouble myself figuring out how to do it. We need to find the sum of 1^{k}+2^{k}+...+(p-1)^{k} (mod p), where p is prime. By writing a program that created a table from test cases...
  7. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    Solved it now, thanks.
  8. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    That's what I originally figured, that angles were merely a convenient notation to express a rotation in a given direction. In R^2, it's obvious what angle t refers to due to the fact that there are only two possible directions for Euclidean rotation, clockwise and counterclockwise. However, in...
  9. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    Okay, I've proved that it holds true for the trivial case of R^1. I've also done so in R^2, as that much better serves to illustrate the mechanisms of what's occurring. With that done, how would I prove inductively that this will work for any R^n? Showing that it will work for translation is...
  10. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    Thanks for the assist, I'll see what I can come up with.
  11. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    Good points. I did say that my geometry was rusty. When I studied modern geometry some years ago, our instructor confined most of the teaching to Euclidean and absolute geometry, at a level almost dumbed down to high school, and did not include affine geometry. I also ordinarily only teach...
  12. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    Should I be using householder transformations to prove this? I've tried a few approaches so far, for the base case only (trying R^1 and R^2), and have met with little success. If I were to try to prove for R^2, should I be using 2x3 orthogonal matrices rather than2x2, so that I'm reflecting...
  13. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  14. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    I took another shot at it, so let me know if I'm wrong on any details or just going about this the wrong way. I tried to prove the base case in both R^1 and R^2. For R^1, since any transformation matrix of a reflection must have a determinant of -1, [-1] is the only allowable matrix, which...
  15. B

    Proving Euclidean Transformations: A Geometry Problem

    It's been a long time since I've studied geometry, and had an extremely poor instructor at the time, so I'm having difficulty remembering how to prove certain theorems. My linear algebra is a bit rusty as well, though I'm more well versed in that than in geometry. One of my students needs help...