Recent content by bcotten

  1. B

    Romeo & Juliet: Finding the Velocity of a Pebble

    does "moving horizontally" mean that the final velocity in the y direction is 0?
  2. B

    Romeo & Juliet: Finding the Velocity of a Pebble

    I thought it was, Vo = sqrt[((x/t)^2)+(((y-gt^2)/t)^2)] for the magnitude, but the solution does not depend on "t".
  3. B

    Romeo & Juliet: Finding the Velocity of a Pebble

    Romeo tosses a pebble at Juliet's window to wake her. Unfortunately, he throws too large a pebble too fast. Just before crashing through the glass, the pebble is moving horizontally, having traveled a horizontal distance x and a vertical distance y as a projectile. Find the magnitude of the...