Recent content by beginner952

  1. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    I want to thank everyone who responded. Between these responses and doing some reading of older posts on the subject, I think I finally understand.
  2. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    I'm confused. The kinetic energy in the moving bat applies a force to the ball, which makes the ball accelerate. But, my question is; how much force is the bat applying to the ball? How does one calculate how much force is needed to make a given mass accelerate, or gain momentum? If the ball...
  3. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    Ok, thank you, I'm learning. So, when does F = ma apply? And how is "a" determined? If the ball is traveling at a constant rate of 90mph is "a" = 90? I'm having difficulty understanding F = ma.
  4. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    OK. How do I calculate that? And, on the show Sports Science, and in books I've read, they talk about the ball hitting a wall with "x" amount of force. What are they talking about, and how did they determine that?
  5. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    What I'm asking is how do I determine the force that will be applied to a stationary ball sitting on a tee, if the bat has 20250 of Ke and 450 of momentum?
  6. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    Thank you. I understand that much. What I don't understand is how they are used. For instance; I am a baseball fan and I am interested in the basic physics of bat and/or ball movements and force. If a ball is moving at 90mph and weighs 5 ounces it has 20250 of Kinetic energy. It has 450 of...
  7. B

    B Understanding Moving Object Formulas: F=ma, Ke=1/2mv2, and p=mv Explained

    I am a beginner. First post. My question regards 3 formulas that relate to moving objects and I don't understand their differences. F = ma. Ke = 1/2mv2. And, p = mv. They all relate to a mass that is moving. How do they differ?