Recent content by biffus22

  1. B

    I On the necessary conditions to form the hydrogen molecule

    "Any atom will search another one to form a steady molecule." A rather misleading analogy, I think. It implies that somehow the most primitive, still ionized elements in the universe are forever actively "seeking out" what they need to transform themselves into pre-selected more stable...
  2. B

    Various Intuitions and Conceptualizations of Measurable Cardinals.

    The concept of a "measurable cardinal" is rather difficult for many students of "Intermediate" Set Theory to grasp in terms of more basic set theoretic concepts -- as opposed say to concepts dealing with the relations among various "universes" or "models" etc. In fact, much of the problem may...
  3. B

    I Are there inherent limits to Interferometer size?

    The recent high angular resolution images of M87's inner black hole taken by radio telescopes around the globe all linked together in a computer to simulate a giant interferometer, suggest that to achieve still better angular resolution we would need to supplement the terrestrial receiving...
  4. B

    I Why do two balls launch from the right in a Newton's cradle instead of just one?

    Good Lordie, Isn't it amazing just how complicated even such a very "simple" application of the laws of Mechanics can be??
  5. B

    Single photon wave packet autointerference

    I've been troubled by this problem for some time now and have received several answers to it none of which I find compelling, so I am posing it again in hopes of getting something more convincing. Here's the problem. Consider one had a large optical interferometer with two siderostats place...
  6. B

    B But WHY do antimatter and matter annihilate on contact?

    Everyone knows that matter and antimatter annihilate upon contact. But exactly WHY this should happen is not at all obvious, at least to me. So what exactly happens when two such particles encounter one another that leads them to disappear in a large release of photons? And for that matter...