Recent content by bioginz

  1. B

    Is Mars Going to be Highly Visible to Earth in the Near Future?

    But how accurate is the calcultaions that the next closest encounter of Mars and Earth would be on year 2287?...can you show me the actual calcultaion? formulas? equations?...just curious...thanks a lot friends... DANDYBOY
  2. B

    Mars Closest Encounter With Earth

    Hey Guys, Im just curious... can you show me the actual computations as when the next closest encounter of Mars and Earth will commence?...Ive read it would be on year 2287 if I am not mistaken...thanx in advance.. DANDYBOY
  3. B

    Intro. to Differential Equations

    Just Wondering How... Hey Guys, I have learned that Mars and Earth closest encounter so far happened August 27... and it is estimated to commence again by year 2287 if I am not mistaken... I am just wondering how the calculations were made employing the principles of Differential Equations...