Recent content by BlackTentacle

  1. B

    What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    The chicken and and egg are just metaphors for DNA and Protein. The proteins can catalyse reactions as enzymes. They are both essential for life and you can not have one without the other. So how did life arise from the primordial soup without pre-existing DNA and proteins? The answer was a...
  2. B

    Is there a limit to evolution?

    I would also have to ask why you felt the need to refer to 'Earthian' biological systems. Are you an invasive species Dimensionless?
  3. B

    Does synthetic dna give life to a dead cell

    Once the DNA has been reinserted into a new cell they zap it with electricity to make it divide. Frankenstein like. I was looking for why they did this and found this which is very interesting - I think you are asking at what level...
  4. B

    Is there a limit to evolution?

    Organisms that have not changed much over time are called 'primitive' e.g. sharks and crocodiles. I don't know what the data is exactly. Primitive species are very successful hence the lack of their need to evolve (adapt). I guess to answer further would need a specific species. Does the...
  5. B

    Are ribosomes complexes of protein and RNA?

    They are proteins made of single stranded RNA (Ribonucleic Acid). RNA has one more oxygen molecule than DNA hence the name Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
  6. B

    Relation between reproduction and age

    It's interesting to note too that many parasites have evolved to render their hosts infertile increasing the host lifespan and therefore their own. I'm not sure what species of parasite have evolved to do this specifically as they have such complicated life cycles and can alter the hosts...