Recent content by Blahness

  1. B

    News Did FL-13 Impact the 2006 Midterm Election Results?

    Where is there a list of approved, denied, and elected propositions/senators? I love reading the discussion, but I would like a concrete list so I know exactly what happened. X.x
  2. B

    Is String Theory Explained in an XKCD Comic?

    *walks in* ...Okay. ...*falls on floor laughing**walks out laughing* </actions>
  3. B

    What's the equation that appears in the background of some scenes?

    Looks familiar... hmm... (Also, :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: !)
  4. B

    Is Nature Polluting Itself? A Look at Water Contamination Sources

    Interfere with it, or aid it? After all, we ARE from nature.
  5. B

    What Makes You Fear Death? Share Your Reasons Here

    Death happens. Get used to it. The more common fear is suffering before death.
  6. B

    How Do I Draw 6x6 Tiles in 1-Point Perspective?

    Oh! I get it! Thank you. :smile: EDIT: My two end "distance" points are off the page... is this normal? :S (Basing it on how far the illustration is. Are the placements arbitary?)
  7. B

    How Do I Draw 6x6 Tiles in 1-Point Perspective?

    Argh I'm sorry, but I'm probably not getting it; How do I know how big to make my first row of tiles? (I'm horrid at visualizing, due to a lack of practice ) Since the 6x6 tiles have to cover an area much, much wider than they are wide, I'm going to have to use rectangular tiles to keep it...
  8. B

    Is it possible for a deaf person to imagine a song?

    What cyrus is saying is that you can't properly emulate the sense of hearing without ever having it. You can't imagine exactly what the 4th spatial dimension would look like, because you've never seen it. Zooby's humour is kind of like matter traveling the speed of light, though... It's...
  9. B

    Don't use your cell phone during the class

    Don't even bring your cell phone into class at all! I don't know about college, but what high school student NEEDS a cell phone, Especially at school?
  10. B

    How Do I Draw 6x6 Tiles in 1-Point Perspective?

    Need a bit of help with Art(:sad:) (Okay, if this isn't in the right location, feel free to move it and inform me.) I'm doing a 1-point perspective drawing on a 18x12 inch piece of paper. My vanishing point is directly at (9,6) and my back wall is 1.5 inches left and right, and 1 point...
  11. B

    Mathematica How do you write a mathematical proof?

    Well-explained and perfectly followable! Thank you! (Seems to be proven by the normally done method of doing these problems, \{k_1m_1 + k_2m_2 = ar, \ k_1 + k_2 = a \}), but it proves it works in all situations as shown. Thank you!:biggrin:
  12. B

    Solve V for h: Rewrite Formula V=1/3πr^2h

    :rolleyes: You probably should have posted this in the homework section instead, and if you can't find the topic here later, it was probably moved there. But, I'm not mean. :-p I'm not going to solve it for you, but think: If you do something to one side of the equals, the same thing...
  13. B

    Mathematica How do you write a mathematical proof?

    Hmm, I see. Would it be easier if I explained it? Let's take an arbitary situation, where Mr. Doctor needs 12% and 26% of two solutions to make 100mL of a 15% solution. First, you take 26%, subtract 15%, that gives you 11, which is the first half of the ratio, and how much you need of...
  14. B

    Mathematica How do you write a mathematical proof?

    I've figured out a faster way of doing simple mixture problems; how do I mathematically prove it consistantly works? Edit: Is my question badly worded somehow? 30 people have looked at this; 0 have replied. Kind of awkward, but if you don't know what I'm trying to ask, or I need to give...
  15. B

    California Bans Cell Phone Use While Driving, Effective July 2008"

    It's unbelievable the ratio of horrid drivers to decent ones, even. Just the other day, I was coming home from Costco and in a ~100 foot strip of road, at the end of it, a car was friggin flipped over. How do you flip after 100 feet? There wasn't even any place to turn into!