Recent content by Borg

  1. Borg

    The never-ending physics story

    Haven't seen one of these before. I'll provide the beginning of a story and replies should continue the story as best as possible. Feel free to use generative AI and let's see how humorous people can get. In the depths of the university's physics department, a group of students discovered a...
  2. Borg

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    It took me a while to realize what that post was good for. :oldtongue:
  3. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    I officially joined the dark side today. I was able to get a project working that I've been playing around with for the last few weeks. It works incredibly well. Uh oh.
  4. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    There will definitely be some major shifts in society coming soon. BTW, I was using the free version but this capability is worth the $20 / month and I'll be signing up this weekend.
  5. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    Some videos on the physics aspects of the model.
  6. Borg

    Scientific American and Political Endorsements

    Whatever works for you
  7. Borg

    Scientific American and Political Endorsements

    If they feel that one party is more friendly towards fact-based science, wouldn't that be in their best interests?
  8. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    I wasn't referring to the scenario in the article. These models are growing very quickly in capabilities. What's coming will likely be beyond our ability to control. I'm not worried about the skill of a single model working on a single hack. I'm talking more about the emergent consequences...
  9. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    When a model like this ends up on HuggingFace, you will see a mass of unintentional (and many intentional) hacks around the world. It's like being on a 17th century galleon as the opposing ship approaches. You know the battle is coming and that it's not going to be pretty. The best that we can...
  10. Borg

    OpenAI introduces o1 Formerly known as Q

    I'm reminded of all the threads from last year when people basically said that it sucked because it couldn't do math. :cool:
  11. Borg

    Random Thoughts 7

    I didn't see the collision video on that link but this shows it from the tower camera.
  12. Borg

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    My wife provides a list as well. :oldwink:
  13. Borg

    History When streets were lit by gas lights

    What you're noticing could be partially due to the change in the slope of the windows. As cars become more aerodynamic, bugs aren't encountering a rolling billboard like they did with the older designs that were more vertical. The angled pressure gradient would allow for more time for them to...
  14. Borg

    News Is there any truth to the monkey theory that writes forever?

    The tests that have been done so far haven't been promising.
  15. Borg

    Random Thoughts 7

    I went to a performance with my wife on Friday of an ABBA tribute band. Now I know what Matt Damon's character felt like. Thankfully the performance ended after two hours.