Recent content by Dami121

  1. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Well, it's been a pleasure and honor sir! I think I have all I need. It took me ages , but now I understand it very well. Thanks a lot :)
  2. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Oh, stupid mistake, ΔP=(h3-h2)ρg Is that it?
  3. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Thanks for that height-depth note, I was getting a bit tangled in this. As for the pressure difference, the bigger the difference between in and outside the tube, the bigger the fountain would be. And it can be expressed ΔP = h3ρg-(h2-h1)ρg - h1ρg = (h3-h2-2h1)ρg?? This looks so wrong... so...
  4. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Wow, I can't get my head around it now... I will go get some sleep and respond tommorow. But let me try at least, since the height A is smaller than height B I guess the pressure in the tube d at A must be smaller than at B. Then the pressure at A in the tube would be: P = h3ρg-(h2-h1)ρg ?
  5. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    The tube is full of water, so I think the pressure in tube d at A would be P = h1ρg+h3ρg ? Of course the pressure changes there, but the initial pressure from the air in bottle B remains the same in the whole liquid no?
  6. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Well the bottles are connected with a tube full of air, so I guess the pascal law comes in, saying that pressure applied on the air must be same in every point in the given connected medium.
  7. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Oh I'm very sorry! I thought replied, and was wondering why you aren't writing back. The pressures at B and C can't differ because that would mean the water would be pushed into the tube (with lower pressure). Hence the pressure at B and C must be the same, that is P=h3ρg+Pa. That is all, or no?
  8. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Of course that's not right, sorry, I have no idea how I got to that. The bottles are connected with a tube (full of air) The problem is that I really don't know what is the pressure force applied on the air.
  9. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Okay so we have: Pressure at A - P = h1ρg + Pa = 0+Pa Pressure at B - P = h2ρg + Pa Pressure at C - P = h3ρg + Pa
  10. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Is it like this? p=hρg+1013,25 hPa Hydrodynamics aren't really my thing, I hope that it's right.
  11. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    I have literally no idea. It's equal to the pressure force of air over the area of the water surface, but how big is that force... I really don't have clue how to calculate that
  12. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    I was going over this and couldn't work it out. It seems to me that if we made the surface height at the bottom bottle lower, the pressure would actually increase, and if we made the surface height lower in the middle bottle, the pressure would drop. What to do now?
  13. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    And anything else that matters? Perhaps the viscosity or the width of the tube?
  14. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    Yes of course, I was tired and my brain was working slowly yesterday. So the parameters that matter are the differences between the heights of water surfaces. Is that right?
  15. Dami121

    What variables affect the height of a Heron's fountain?

    I think that is a similar problem, If we made the bottom lower it wouldn't really change anything since the gradient would stay the same. Same applies to your second question. Uh, this must imply that the only height that matters is the height of the top surface of the water relative to the tube d?