Recent content by Danae Legrow

  1. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    try me... :cool:
  2. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    prove it starthrower... prove to me that there is no god.
  3. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    And this is Danae's dad... You said, "The minister maintained that though Teasley was truly Christian during the part of his life when he was writing gospel songs, he backslid toward the end of his life and became a street bum, and died in a gutter, unsaved." I would say that all that minister...
  4. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    you got my mom into it now... "An editorial I read at that time speculated that this particular president believed that this was the case, so that he was "safe" (in the afterlife sense) in doing whatever brought him pleasure." my mom wants to put in her two cents... A true conversion...
  5. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    Janitor--- i really do not have a specific denomination. i go to a non-denominational church, and yes, i do believe that God loves everyone. And no, i do not believe he loves only the elect. this is how i see it- God gave us a free will correct? Well, we can use that to choose wether or not...
  6. D

    Electricity Transmission and Distribution: From Power Plants to Your Home

    cliff, that was awesome! thank you so much clff for all that wonderful information! i just got home from my friends dad's house and he expounded a little on the power lines thing, but you were awesome! thanks! i will use that in my report. -danae :smile: boy am i tired... haha...
  7. D

    Electricity Transmission and Distribution: From Power Plants to Your Home

    my project before and now thanks cliff! that was superfluously helpful! i shall consider those questions. chroot- this is and was my project-- i had a 6v battery, a 120v light, and some 12 gauge wire. i was going to run the circuit i was to create through some substances (conductors...
  8. D

    Electricity Transmission and Distribution: From Power Plants to Your Home

    electrocution... electrocution would not be fun. thanks for informing me! I'm only in high school anyway, and probably won't be doing all that DDuardo said. thank you both!
  9. D

    What Is Your Definition of "God"?

    God is the lover of our souls, and he will love you forever. He will never let you down and will always be your friend. He loves you on days you hate the world, on days you get an F on a test or midterm, he loves you when your happy, angry, sad, he loves you always. he will forgive you if you...
  10. D

    If you had one wish, what would it be?

    i would wish that people would like me for me, so that i shouldn't feel like i have to put on a facade. that would be wonderful!
  11. D

    Electricity Transmission and Distribution: From Power Plants to Your Home

    thanks DDuardo. i took a look at those sites. i will check out what you said also. thanks for the info! :smile:
  12. D

    Electricity Transmission and Distribution: From Power Plants to Your Home

    electricity, AC and DC...HELP! i hate science fair projects... i need information. i am doing a project on Complete circuits and it is a cheap project. all i have are a few small light bulbs (one 6 volt, one 12 volt, and one 1.5 volt, and all are WAY old), a 6 volt battery, some wires with...