Recent content by darthfunnybot

  1. D

    Why Does the Integral Equal Zero in Parallel Axis Theorem Proof?

    This illustration is not very clear about the order of what it is intending to describe with respect to the equations it asserts... The drawing implies that the first and last Integrals of the line in question are taken from a coordinate system where the center of mass is at the point...
  2. D

    Eigenvalues, projection and symmetry. Help please.

    This problem is too confusing to explain in this thread without proper looking matrices and that is too tedious. On this link notice the different properties rotation and symmetry are given with respect to each plane's normal vector. Basically read in and around the red text. Here are some nice...
  3. D

    How can the sequence of tasks be represented in a graph using only 6 nodes?

    The point of this problem is to evaluate the most efficient (lowest time cost) path. From what i can find this problem is usually has some additional wording. Solutions are in the scroll box halfway down the page
  4. D

    Find the angula aceleration of the pulley

    I believe your error is you forget to consider that a1 and a2 are vectors of opposite direction. Specifically, you are subtracting the term (0.8kg)(0.0025m)2 when in fact you should be adding this quantity.
  5. D

    Find the angula aceleration of the pulley

    Hmph Sorry, while I was editing my post you managed to correct me! Either way we both agree. This problem is as good as solved. But I disagree with you about the pulley being the only rotating object. The shortcut to solve this problem is to perceive the inertia of the two masses to be at a...
  6. D

    Find the angula aceleration of the pulley

    This is one of the most annoying kinematics problems The issue you are having is that you are not considering the inertia of the two blocks. Your teacher is cold hearted to make the answer you perceived correct as a possible choice and the fact it is seemingly twice the correct answer is...
  7. D

    Finding the distance given the intital velocity and the coefficient of friction

    \sumF = ma = \mukmg Once you solve for the acceleration, the rest is just a 'timeless' kinematics problem. Vf2 = 0 = Vo2 + 2aΔx