Recent content by davLev

  1. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Thanks for your comprehensive reply. Please be aware that I didn't ask what is the volume, I have asked if BH has a volume. If the Black hole is not well defined, then we have to agree that it could have a volume. If we claim that a black hole has no volume, then by definition we defined the...
  2. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    If it has spacetime, then how could it be that it has no space or volume? Can you please explain the contradiction? Please be aware that the number of atoms in the sun comes to 1.201×10^57. Therefore, in a neutron star with one solar mass there should be at least 10^57 neutrons while a BH with...
  3. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Wow! Thanks As you confirm that BH is not a singularity or a point and It does have spacetime inside it, then do you agree that BH must have some minimal space/volume/radius?
  4. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Thanks Do appreciate your reply. As the matter can't occupy the same quantum state/same space without breaking the law of science, then why do we insist for a singularity in a BH? Why can't we agree that even BH should have some sort of internal space/radius? What about SMBH and quasars? Do...
  5. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    This textbook was published in 1983. Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars: The Physics of Compact Objects Author(s): Stuart L. Shapiro, Saul A. Teukolsky First published:27 July 1983 Stuart Louis Shapiro is an American...
  6. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    I assume that Shapiro & Teukolsky have offered the idea for the formation of the Neutron stars. However, any idea should be confirmed by some sort of evidence. Yes, we have evidence: In the following article it is stated: Evidence for quark-matter cores in massive neutron stars...
  7. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Would you kindly answer the following questions: 1. Do you confirm that in stars there must be more protons than Neutrons? 2. As there are much more protons than neutrons in a star, then why after the supernova we get a star which is mainly based on Neutrons and therefore it is called Neutron...
  8. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    A quark star may have just been discovered a recent discovery may point toward the existence of a new type of star: the quark star. The hypothesized existence of such objects was first expressed in 1965 by Soviet...
  9. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Black hole or neutron star? For decades, astronomers have been puzzled by a gap in mass that lies between neutron stars and black holes: the heaviest known neutron star is no more than 2.5 times the mass of our sun, or 2.5...
  10. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Please be aware that Neutron stars also have disks: "We're seeing the gas whipping around just outside the neutron star's surface," said Edward Cackett (University of Michigan), in a press release. "And since the inner...
  11. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Please see the following: Supermassive black holes share a surprising link with subatomic gluon 'color glass walls' CGCs are created when atomic nuclei are accelerated to near the speed of light and then slammed together...
  12. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    What do you think about M87? This paper reports upon an observation of hard X-radiation from the direction of M87. It is a BH and it has radiation. I don't understand why black holes surrounded by vacuum can only have magnetic...
  13. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Thanks In the following article it is stated that the maximal size of the Neutron star is 2.16 Solar mass. Whilst most neutron stars have a mass of around 1.4 times that of the sun, massive examples are also known, such as the...
  14. D

    I How Does the Size of Neutron Stars Compare to Black Holes?

    Thanks for your message. M87 is a Black hole. So, how do we know if the object is BH or neutron star (assuming that they have the same mass)? In the following article there is a nice description for those objects...