Recent content by Deckers

  1. D

    Zero-Point Physics: Latest Advances

    In the oil field we have a concept called "Jerking Somebodies Chain". It means if you are hurtful and insultive enough to someone, they will answer your question. It works sometimes I guess. The roots of Zero Point Energy are in historical German {?Nazi} Research, but so are guided missiles...
  2. D

    Zero-Point Physics: Latest Advances

    Zapper; You are an insultive person, I suspect you don't wish to add a reply but prefer to insult me instead. That is inconsiderate to the poster, and adds nothing to the thread. Zero Point Energy has never been publicly proven to function viably. The hypothesis exists that it may but...
  3. D

    Zero-Point Physics: Latest Advances

    That is not considered Conventional Physics I think. It reminds me of Quantum Mechanics, the total energy in any mass is large we're told. But extraction without destruction is implicit in your desire to produce "Zero Point Energy". There's some stuff online which generally leads you to UFO's...
  4. D

    What Is Dark Matter Made Of?

    I feel okay with that too.
  5. D

    Continuing debate on the Substance of Electricity.

    "This is wrong. If you have a point charge, then the field strength is indeed an inverse-square function. Other charge distributions give other r-dependences." True. " The field-strength-vs-distance curve is a direct inverse function, and not an inverse-square function, because electric...
  6. D

    Continuing debate on the Substance of Electricity.

    The Solid State Physics Texts don't cover both Chemistry and Physics in balanced and completed format. The volumes on Solid State Physics could not have been prepared without the CRC's prior to them. For the analysis of elements to function the same rules must apply to both worlds. Yet a...
  7. D

    Continuing debate on the Substance of Electricity.

    I admit that my typing is not quite expert level at any rate. In fact, it's probably worse than many young people today. but my errors in spelling are easily deduced and corrected. e = Elementary charge of Position E = Electromotive Force {bold} E = Electric Field Strength V = Electric...
  8. D

    Why Does Adding More Coils Make Generating Electricity Harder with Magnets?

    Nonsensical notions? Like a sea of electrons? You should have paid attention in Chemistry class past the first year.
  9. D

    Could we use endothermic(heat absorbing) reactions to reduce hurricane strength?

    Bill before Congress "Official Title: To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes." Introduced (By Rep. Mark Udall [D-CO]) At least he's facing the issue, he may receive advisement that...
  10. D

    Could we use endothermic(heat absorbing) reactions to reduce hurricane strength?

    Could well be, but cloud seeding was attempted in years past, with sometimes disastrous results. Silver Iodide was dumped into clouds to congeal moisture and precipitate it into snow and rain. But the clouds were making hail too with the crystals. We had hail the size of softballs go through...
  11. D

    Could we use endothermic(heat absorbing) reactions to reduce hurricane strength?

    This is a website run by a weatherman that quit his job recently for research time. Worth a look maybe: The problem is that the science necessary to understand a good portion of this is in Russia, done by Nikola Tesla, and unavailable to most Americans...
  12. D

    Why Does Adding More Coils Make Generating Electricity Harder with Magnets?

    What I'm saying is, if electron flow were all that was going on superconductive wire would be made of radioactive elements. Simple. But that would require magnetic shielding for insulation. And magnetic fields are not condusive to current conduction. A self defeating theory before they even...
  13. D

    Why Does Adding More Coils Make Generating Electricity Harder with Magnets?

    I don't see it that way. The valence electrons can be shared or given to other atoms. but only with the Cu atom nearby to take one back if a better donor comes up. The energy potential increases as you go down the table. Gold is a better conductor as it's valence electrons are even further...
  14. D

    Why Does Adding More Coils Make Generating Electricity Harder with Magnets?

    When the magnets spin in a generator to cause the wire in the surrounding coils to charge up, exactly what is the energy? Older books describe the function by claiming Electrons actually move from one length of wire to another. But forcing electrons away from their respective atomic nucleus...
  15. D

    Cheap Heating with Microwaves: Is it Possible?

    Nuclear Magnet Resonance is Microwave energy. If you know about dipole moments you are halfway there. But another thing to remember is that Microwaves only resonate magnetic elemants {polar}. Nonpolar elements will be unaffected by microwave energy. The pulsing of the oven is what makes it...