Recent content by desertbike

  1. D

    Sailboat Speed Question: Can a Motor Increase Speed Beyond 10 Knots with Sails?

    As I stated in another post on the subject I've nearly sailed a boat under before in a hurricane down south, but we reduced sail to keep from plowing it under. I know of boats under tow being pulled too far past hull speed and being submerged, and have read historical accounts of it occurring...
  2. D

    Sailboat Speed Question: Can a Motor Increase Speed Beyond 10 Knots with Sails?

    You are only talking about specially designed racing sailboats. That can only be true on certain designs of sailboats, ULDB's (Ultra Light Displacement Boats) which are primarily off the wind sailboats with little in the way of keels and hulls designed specially to plane, they don't go to...
  3. D

    Sailboat Speed Question: Can a Motor Increase Speed Beyond 10 Knots with Sails?

    One of the things that all of these discourses have failed to take into consideration is maximum hull speed of a sailboat. The maximum that a boat can theoretically sail is the square root of the waterline x 1.34 for a displacement hull, x 1.43 for a non-displacement hull. So the square root...