Recent content by Dimitris Papadim

  1. D

    I Solution:Second Order Linear Non-Homogenous ODEs in Physics

    Hello, could someone please give me some examples of where order linear non homogenous ordinary differential equations are used in physics[emoji4]
  2. D

    My First Post: A Contradiction in Simple Free Fall?

    The intermolecular forces cancel each other out since there are other particles around the one you are focusing on. Thus their vector sum is zero and the only unbalanced force acting is the weight
  3. D

    Experimental determination of the moment inertia of a sphere

    Hello, I was recently given the task to find experimentally the moment inertia of a sphere. I thought of rolling the sphere down an inclined plane and applying conservation of energy to the sphere. The equations i came up with are: mgh = 1/2mv2 + 1/2Iω2 solving for v^2 we come up with the...