Recent content by Duellist

  1. D

    Adding bytes with 4-bit full adders

    hi its me again let me ask u sth is there's any kind of decoder that would get 4-bit and would convert them to hex decimal... it would actually help... i mean take the binary 1001 and say 9 and when it has 1111 it present F that would make everything actually helpful -hussein
  2. D

    Adding bytes with 4-bit full adders

    ya i think we are allowed some kind of the decoders chips... but wat do u have in mind? hussein
  3. D

    Adding bytes with 4-bit full adders

    my project was to add 2bytes using 4-full bit adder and have the output on 7-segments... and for the Hex decimal.. i thought of that but i found that i would also need 3 7 segment... but it doesn't matter it can go either way
  4. D

    Adding bytes with 4-bit full adders

    re i am already passed through the two 4-full adder IC and the doctor just left it up to us the whole project... but chroot this way i think i am going to use three 7 segments...coz if the input is (11111111) on each input the out put would be 254 in binary... so am i going to make truth...
  5. D

    Adding bytes with 4-bit full adders

    hi question is kinda weird.. i want to add 1 byte to another 1 byte and get the result on 7-segments i have to use the ICs 74283 (4- bit full adder)... and i no how to connect them to add 1byte + 1 byte but i am still lost on how to get the output on 7segments ! would i...