Recent content by ElikuAberts

  1. E

    Archived Oxygen Concentration: Insects & Tracheae

    Homework Statement Insects do not have lungs as we do, nor do they breathe through their mouths. Instead, they have a system of tiny tubes, called tracheae, through which oxygen diffuses into their bodies. The tracheae begin at the surface of the insect's body and penetrate into the...
  2. E

    Do you think writing in cursive is going out of style?

    I try to always write in cursive... it is so pretty! Good penmenship is important... I don't think cursive should be done away with.
  3. E

    Ideal gas question. Please Urgent help needed

    I need help with this same problem... That is the graph, if anyone can help. EDIT... I really don't know where to start at all. I tried to do it (almost) the same way as owura, but I couldn't figure it out how to find it in "mol/m^3".
  4. E

    Determine the temperature of the blood/ Heat problem

    Thank you, mgb_phys! I get it now! :smile:
  5. E

    Determine the temperature of the blood/ Heat problem

    I have a similar problem to this but I don't understand it. Where did you guys get the 4186? (the problem I have is...Blood can carry excess energy from the interior to the surface of the body, where the energy is dispersed in a number of ways. While a person is exercising, 0.6 kg of blood...