Recent content by elroyjetsn

  1. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    Thanks, Daveb I'll try to get my head around the current understanding of all this at that wonderful site you suggested! Wayne
  2. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    Just came across this on another forum. So it appears more a question of "up" and "down" quarks, electrons, positrons, neutrinos and so forth and how they are combined to establish relative mass. Pretty cool stuff! "This is a very complicated question with no simple "hand-waving" answer. In...
  3. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    Sounds like protons and neutrons are pretty close mass-wise, or not? Well, anyway the neutron-free theory gets pretty well nixed by the hydrogen atom. So much for my theory.
  4. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    I should say that neutrons give the greatest portion of mass to an atom. Don't know the percentage breakdown though. BTW, If you threw a hydrogen atom and a lead atom, the lead atom would no doubt carry further so "patently false" needs more explanation. :)
  5. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    I suppose that's my question then. The relationship between neutron and mass and momentum. Does hydrogen behave the same as matter with neutrons? I'm just exploring ideas. How does the presence of neutrons change things for an atom?
  6. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    This leads me to think that black holes may serve as a means of recycling matter into dark matter by stripping away its neutrons and generating more "space" as it were. This could also account for the theory of the expanding universe I suppose. You would have "neutronic matter" and "aneutronic...
  7. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    Diffuses through space- Without inertia to give it momentum or directionality, it would just generate space. That would explain how radio waves travel through the "vacuum" of space. Electrons and protons are there but without neutrons, they don't interact with regular matter and seem invisible...
  8. E

    Matter less Neutrons behave the same Less Inertia?

    If there was some way to strip matter of it's neutrons, would that give you matter of all the same properties except for inertia? Or would it diffuse throughout space? I kind of get the notion that neutrons act as anchors to keep objects in one place. Maybe that's what a black hole does and...
  9. E

    Valles Marineras Origin and Origin of Asteroid Belt Linked?

    On the West end of the valley there's a pretty large crater that somewhat offset from the "tear". But, I'm thinking an event of that magnitude might have taken an hour or so to play out and the planet's rotation would have distorted the trajectory. The region designated, "Noctis Labarynthus"...
  10. E

    Valles Marineras Origin and Origin of Asteroid Belt Linked?

    The aerial view of Valles Marineras has a strangely familiar look to it. As a kid I would shoot BB's at all sort of fruit and mud and stuff. Sometimes I'd hit a rotten apple or tomatoe with a glancing shot that would rip open a gaping tear for a distance as the BB would enter, force material out...