Recent content by Ericpoke

  1. Ericpoke

    East Meets West: The New Generation of Students

    Thanks for your response @fresh_42 - Mostly agree but due to the lack of violence in East Asian countries (As compared to North America and Western countries), I feel this region will start to dominate global issues fairly shortly. I just feel the West shouldn't be sleeping on what's going on...
  2. Ericpoke

    East Meets West: The New Generation of Students

    So a lot of Asian students (Oriental side) come to the US to study but have been going back after getting their education, etc. This includes students from various common genres of today's workforce (Hospitality, Business, etc). In fact this was one of the sole reasons why South Korea today is...
  3. Ericpoke

    Can there be an electric field inside an insulator?

    Electricity is everywhere. The only question is if the amount is large enough to do any thing or not. Example: A spark can't do much but if you have an area that is charged, then you got something. Bottom line, electricity in some form or another exists everywhere.
  4. Ericpoke

    Physics Finance Job Market for Astronomy Ph.D.?

    These jobs are rare but not impossible to find. I believe what helped me was years on going articles that got published in several local a couple international magazines. However, unlike myself, your backup plan looks more enticing. Tons of solutions are required in the programming field today.
  5. Ericpoke

    Find f'(x): f'(x) = ##\frac {dy} {dx},\frac {dx}{dt}= \frac {8t^7}{1+t^{16}} ##

    Agreed and this is what I love about Math. Spoken and written languages might be different but Math usually shares the same type setting pretty much everywhere. Great point.