Recent content by Ferzurio

  1. F

    Maximum order of an element

    Okay, I have look up some more of these terms but I might still be missing something. The Chinese Remainder Theorem in step (2) I have x = g1M1y1 + g2M2y2 mod pq where M1 = (pq)/p = q M2 = (pq)/q = p y1 = (M1)-1 = q-1 mod p y2 = (M2)-1 = p-1 mod q In (3) t = LCM(p-1,q-1) =...
  2. F

    Maximum order of an element

    I have only a small compendium with no more than 120 pages (10 different chapters) that covers an entire semester. I see that for xt≡1 mod p, for p = 3, 5, 7, it follows a repetitive order whereas mod 15, 21, 35 does not. For p = 3, q = 5, n=15, I see for the same value of x, the order...
  3. F

    Maximum order of an element

    What is the maximum order of an element modulo n, where n is a product of two odd, distinct primes? Let t be the smallest positive integer such that xt = 1 mod n I've have been searching around on the web, but I don't really understand this concept. Some of the keyword I have found to be...