Recent content by force5

  1. F

    Why do we experience both good and bad things in life?

    Adaptation I like Daves explanation but, I would consider one other factor. And that is we are probably dealing with a "neutral" that is on a sliding scale. In other words, if we experience considerably more of either "good" things or "bad" things, adaptation kicks in and what we consider...
  2. F

    Does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics Apply to Entropy in a Big Crunch?

    Big Crunch well, here's my thinking on this particular subject. 1. Big Crunch One of the ten top priorties of the gov. (within the next ten years) is to determine if the proton is stable. Some have estimated that a halflife of 10^38yrs is probable. But, only a guess. 2. If the proton...
  3. F

    Are We Only Seeing the Tip of the Dimensional Iceberg?

    When I think of the three dimensions(Length, width and height), I think of a cube. But when I think of dimensions as relates to a sphere, it takes on a whole new relationship. Since events occurring at the level in question, the conservation of angular momentum provides a number of...
  4. F

    Can you prove you are not mind controlled?

    I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't think we can assume free will just because we have some degree of awareness of our experiences. Should we ask, what impact evolution has on our degree of awareness. Some may rule out evolution as a factor. But, can we consider all experiences from...
  5. F

    Poll: Something from nothing or something eternal

    I voted that there has always been something going on. And, there will always be something going on. Of course, we will not be going along for the ride. In any case, I had to draw on my physics knowledge to come to this conclusion many years ago.
  6. F

    Question - is it impossible for nothing to exist?

    existence vs. non-existence IMHO, Elas has offered the best description of "nothing". There's "nothing" wrong with a scientific explanation. A true "nothing" is in fact a pure vacuum. Of course, a pure vacuum does not exist. I don't think using a binary zero as an analogy makes much...
  7. F

    What is Space? A Theory Exploration

    My view Right or wrong, this is the direction my research has taken me; Space is an extention of its source. The source is like one side of the coin and the space is the other side. When energy radiates away from its source, the total mass of the object is constantly being transformed into...
  8. F

    Can Self-Interest Be the Only Reason for Pursuit of Knowledge?

    I'm in complete agreement with you guys. One way I tried to explain it to one of my kids a few years ago was something like this; We all have a level of comfort. let's say on a scale from 1 to 10 my comfort zone is in the range of 4.5 to 5.5. Below 4.4 I don't feel so good. But above 5.5 I...
  9. F

    What is your greatest achievement in physics?

    Finding a workable method for understanding the fundamentals of existence.
  10. F

    Why does light/energy propagate?

    Sorry if question is not phased properly Thanks for responding; Based on entropy, I assume EMR is pulled out of the producing system. And I am trying to find a connection between DE and propagation. If dark energy is responsible for expansion, as some have speculated, what would be the...
  11. F

    Why does light/energy propagate?

    Is there a concesus as to "why" light propagates. What force(s) are involved in the process? If this is not known or understood, are there any current theories? Is this a reasonable question?...Thanks in advance for all valid replies.
  12. F

    Is the Universe Finite or Infinite? A Poll on the Current Debate in Cosmology

    Q. Was the big bang located at a single point and did it involve a finite amount of energy? A. Yes. Q. Is space like the surface of a balloon (except 3D instead of 2D) that is gradually expanding? A. Yes and No. The universe is like a balloon (finite). But, only a subset of this volume...
  13. F

    Space vs Energy: Can Volume Exist Without Energy?

    I think you get my meaning I have noticed many contradictions in a lot of material I've read over the years and I have not found a consensus that supports a particular position. It seems to me that conceptual thinking would require a definite position on this matter. Personally, I've had...
  14. F

    I've yet to understand the finite universe

    I'm confussed? Using Ned wrights analogy; Since light speed is C and radiates in all directions from its source, would this imply that in Neds animation, a volume of light would extend much farther out perpendicular from the sphere. Or would the radiation fold back within the confined volume...
  15. F

    Space vs Energy: Can Volume Exist Without Energy?

    thanks turbo-1 I assume this idea is widely accepted in mainstream thinking.