Recent content by fullstopsmoking

  1. F

    What is the Connection Between Cortisol and Smoking?

    1. Smoking and hormones in health and endocrine disorders By D Kapoor and T H Jones "Cigarette smoking alters the levels of endogenous steroid hormones. As discussed earlier, an acute rise in circulating cortisol is observed after smoking. Even in chronic smokers salivary free cortisol...
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    Unhappiness, Worry and Sickness: The Connection

    Hi Moonbear, I have been doing some research into the effects of cortisol and the links it has to smoking. In the reasearch I have completed it appears that not only is excessive cortisol released when stressed but it can also have the same flight or fight response to inflammation. When...
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    What is the link between tobacco and cancer risk?

    There are some new and very interesting facts about smoking and cancer. Did you know that tobacco is actually radioactive. There is something called Polonium 210, It is an alpha radiation that is found in the soil used to grow tobacco. In fact it is from the phoshate fertilizers used. Alpha...
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    What is the Connection Between Cortisol and Smoking?

    when you smoke there is a two stage action that takes place. It is hard to know where to start though. It is like the chicken and the egg. Take last week for instance, or maybe the last week you were a smoker. There will have been a cycle happening in your body that will have been dictated by...
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    What Causes Human Smoking? Could It Be Mental Illness?

    Wwii 42, If the weed was brought back instead most of us would have comitted suicide. Cigarettes create mental illnesses such as general Anxiety disorder and depression, that's why people find it impossible to stop once started. Everyone thinks weed is a safer option but i and many others I...
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    What Causes Human Smoking? Could It Be Mental Illness?

    Tribdog. Makes you look cool ? That's what you think. The thing is next time you get a chance watch a smoker and non -smoker together. The smoker is there with there emotions and frailties for the world to see. The non-smoker can portray their emotions as cool. You think it looks cool but...
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    What Causes Human Smoking? Could It Be Mental Illness?

    Tumor, Apt name. you probably think it happens to other people. That you have a plan whether you know it or not and that is to quit before you get ill. The problems start when you come to stop. You must be intelligent to get involved in a forum like this yet you show little when it comes to...
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    What Causes Human Smoking? Could It Be Mental Illness?

    Now that we have all agreed the meaning of idiot how about answering a few of the points I made about smoking. For a minute i thought I had joined the muppet forum on yahoo.(LOL) I have been researching smoking and it's affects on the human brain for over three years now and need someone...
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    What Causes Human Smoking? Could It Be Mental Illness?

    Could it be a delayed chemical reaction that creates a feeling of fear and anxiety in the smoker ? My theory is different in that rather than blame nicotine dependency as the cause for continual smoking, it is only a small part of the whole smoking process. I believe it is a delayed chemical...
  10. F

    Can Tobacco Substances Trigger Delayed Fear and Anxiety Responses?

    Hi, Is it possible for a substance found in tobacco to cause a delayed chemical reaction that would trigger a feeling of fear and anxiety or alternativly trigger the flight or fight response ? Thanks Ian