Recent content by futb0l

  1. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    Yeah, the ne^(-n^2) part is actually kind of part of the question. In the question it gives you limits of various functions - I didn't list it here because there is too many. So yeah, basically that term goes to 0 as n approaches infinite.
  2. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    I think I just worked it out... \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{ e^{2n} + 1 }{ e^{n^2} + n } \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{ e^{2n}(1 + e^{-2n}) }{ e^{n^2}(1 + ne^{-n^2}) } \lim_{n\to\infty} e^{2n-n^2} \frac {(1 + e^{-2n}) }{(1 + ne^{-n^2}) } \lim_{n\to\infty} e^{2n-n^2} * 1 So that just equals to 0.
  3. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    Can you just say that without doing any calculations? O.o
  4. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    Ok, so then you get: \lim_{t\to\infty} \frac{t^2 + 1}{e^{(\ln{t})^2} + \ln{t}} So basically you will get infinity at the numerator and denominator, which doesn't lead to anything as far as I can see... *sigh*
  5. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    I meant e^(n^2). So yeah, obviously the one you did with the 't' substitution is not what I'm looking for.
  6. F

    Challenged in evaluating this limit.

    I really haven't got a clue on how to evaluate this limit. I've tried doing algebraic manipulation, but to no avail. (L'Hopital's rule are not allowed to be used). If someone can give me a hint, that would be great :) \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{(e^n)^2 + 1}{e^{n^2}+n}
  7. F

    Integrating by Substitution: Solving Integrals with Square Roots

    Right, thanks a lot :D
  8. F

    Integrating by Substitution: Solving Integrals with Square Roots

    Can anyone help me with the following integrals (integrate by substitution)? \int{\frac{dx}{\sqrt{x^2 - 4}}} \int{\frac{dx}{\sqrt{x^2 + 4}}} I have no idea whatsoever on how to do it.
  9. F

    Integrate x^2/sqrt(4-x^2): Solution Steps

    \int{ \frac{x^2}{\sqrt{4-x^2}} } How would I do that? I tried integrating by parts, letting u = x^2 and v' = 1/sqrt(4-x^2) and many other combinations, but I just can't seem to get the result.
  10. F

    Redox Corrosion: Explaining HMS Alarm's Surprising Results

    Anyways, can anyone help me with this question.. In 1763, the British Admirality covered wooden ship HMS Alarm with copper sheeting to protect it from marine worms. This was sucessful but, they reported: '... we were surprised to perceive the effect of the copper had upon iron where the two...
  11. F

    Linux: Pros & Cons of OS Switching From MS

    Pros: - You wouldn't have to worry about spyware, viruses. - It is fast, and reliable, especially if you're running a server. - Some distros have a really good community. - There are many more that I can't think of right now... Cons: - It's sometimes difficult to get used to Linux (using...
  12. F

    How can I solve logarithms with multiple solutions in the complex plane?

    The laws of logs are pretty important and they're pretty easy to understand. \log_{b} mn = \log_{b} m + \log_{b} n \log_{b} \frac{m}{n} = \log_{b} m - \log_{b} n \log_{b} a^n = n \log_{b} a
  13. F

    Verify Trigonometric Identity: 2/cosx = 2secx | Doubtful Answer?

    Lol. I think this is the quickest question ever.
  14. F

    Exploring Newton's 1st Law: Car Braking and People Moving Forward

    Newton's First Law. The passengers in the car travels with the velocity of the car, but when the car is stopped (by the braking force), the passengers keep going at the velocity of the car because there are no forces stopping it.
  15. F

    Fluid Flow Simulation: Materials and Instructions for Research

    Hmm, this might be useful for my aerodynamics stuff...