Recent content by gdritz

  1. gdritz

    Molten metal temperature vs Induction Coil Current

    Thank you Z0dCHiY8 and Baluncore Can the phenomenon of increased current (as well as voltage) also be related to the Counter-electromotive force ?
  2. gdritz

    Molten metal temperature vs Induction Coil Current

    Thanks, gave me some ideas.. But, do you mean metal magnetic conductivity or conductivity as electric current? What would be the law of physics that applies to this phenomenon? Lorentz, Faraday? It's similar to an AC generator?
  3. gdritz

    Molten metal temperature vs Induction Coil Current

    Hi guys, I'm new here. I have been analyzing the behavior of cast iron melts in induction furnaces and realized that at the end of the melt the current increases slightly. The power remains the same. Physically, does anyone know the reason? I imagine to be related to the magnetic permeability...