Recent content by ggcheck

  1. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    I think I figured out the 2nd part: x= y + pi lim[sin(y + pi)/sin(y)] = [sin(y)cos(pi)+cos(y)sin(pi)]/sin(y) = cos(pi) + cot(y)sin(pi) = 1 +0 (x,y)-->(pi,0)
  2. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    "Which brings up my final question: why did you title this "limits in 3 variables" when your problem has only 2 variables?" I misspoke How about this: Since I have a hunch the limit doesn't exist I prove that it doesn't exist by showing that you get two different limits when evaluating over...
  3. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    so I'd prove that the original limit doesn't exist by showing: lim[sin(x)/sin(y)] = [sin(pi)/sin(y)] = 0 (x,y)-->(pi,y) lim[sin(x)/sin(y)] = [sin(pi)/sin(0)] DNE (x,y)-->(pi,0)
  4. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    any tips/ways to approach similar problems?
  5. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    I'm not really sure what I'm doing... we didn't cover this in class, and the book doesn't have any other similar examples
  6. G

    Did I do this correctly? version: limits in 3 variables

    Homework Statement evaluate the limit or determine that it does not exist. lim [sin(x)/sin(y)] (x,y)--->(pi,0) The Attempt at a Solution since it is not continues at point (pi,0) I can't use use substitution, so I attempted to prove that the limit does not exist by...
  7. G

    Find Planes in R^3 Intersecting xz-Plane: 3x + 2z = 5

    3x + ny + 2z = 5 this is it, yes?
  8. G

    Find Planes in R^3 Intersecting xz-Plane: 3x + 2z = 5

    3x + 2z = 5 is the solution? It's that simple?
  9. G

    Find Planes in R^3 Intersecting xz-Plane: 3x + 2z = 5

    Ax + Cz = 5? cause A and c can be any numbers but D = 5? ugh
  10. G

    Find Planes in R^3 Intersecting xz-Plane: 3x + 2z = 5

    a point that satisfies 3x + 2z = 5 must also satisfy 0x + 1y + 0z = 0 and some other equation... so we need to find this other equation? how?
  11. G

    Find Planes in R^3 Intersecting xz-Plane: 3x + 2z = 5

    Homework Statement Find all planes in R^3 whose intersection with the xz-plane is the lijne with equation 3x + 2z = 5 The Attempt at a Solution Very confused here, not sure how to start it. the xz plane is another way of saying y = 0... which I'm guessing is why the equation doesn't have a...
  12. G

    Find the Maclaurin series for f(x) = (x^2)(e^x)

    time for class--I will review this page later thanks!
  13. G

    Find the Maclaurin series for f(x) = (x^2)(e^x)

    ugh how did I get here? I no good with taylor series