Recent content by greenflash

  1. G

    Quantum vacuum as origin of light speed?

    abstract says "the propagation of a photon is a statistical process at scales much larger than the Planck scale. Therefore we expect its time of flight to fluctuate." How much statistical fluctuation (what % of c) do they predict?
  2. G

    Fluorescence - definition & possibilities

    Thanks for a confirmation of what seems to be the common use of this term, Andy. I've been web-searching more since posting, and everyone seems to agree with you, and Nascent, says "Fluorescence can occur at any point of the electromagnetic spectrum. ... A...
  3. G

    Fluorescence - definition & possibilities

    "As long as electromagnetic radiation continues to bombard the substance, electrons in the fluorescent material become excited but return very quickly to lower energy, giving off light, always of the same frequency." (from ) Is fluorescence...
  4. G

    Fluorescence - definition & possibilities

    Thanks, Nascent, for the response and the link, which says "[gamma?] rays, x-rays, uv, visible light and ir radiations may all stimulate fluorescence." If IR absorption can stimulate, obviously the emissions cannot be limited to visible or higher. At least according to Biology Online. But...
  5. G

    Fluorescence - definition & possibilities

    Is the term "fluorescence" limited to emission of visible light? (If the emitted light is IR, would this not be fluorescence?) In many demonstrations, UV light is absorbed and visible light is emitted, but is absorption of UV an essential feature of fluorescence? Or could it also be a...