Recent content by Helena_88

  1. H

    Using the decay rate of rubidium isotope to determine age of fossils

    can i say that because the ratio is Sr/Rb = 0.01 N/No = e^-λt so 0.01 = e^-λt then t1/2 =ln/λ then find t?
  2. H

    Using the decay rate of rubidium isotope to determine age of fossils

    Hello! i was just wondering if anyone could help me with this, The rubidium isotope 87-Rb is a beta emitter with a half life of 4.9 x 10^10 yr that decays into 87-Sr. It is used to determine the age of rocks and fossils. Certain rocks contain a ratio of 87-Sr to 87Rb of 0.0100. Assuming there...
  3. H

    How does photocell output change with distance from infrared point source?

    Hey kids, I am new and would like to thank you for all the help you have given me with this! and would like to say i simpathise with you with the persistat nagging and total want to be spoon fed the answers to this planning exercise. BUT, (lol, hypocrite!) i'd like to know what...