Recent content by hmzone

  1. H

    Rotational Mechanics Problem (Rotating solid wooden disk)

    Sorry my fault.. It's fμ = m v2/r I forgot to mention the mass. :-p Newton's law is F = ma after all, and the acceleration in this one is the centripetal acceleration that keeps the block moving in circles a = v^2/rNow that you know the friction, you should be able to calculate the...
  2. H

    Rotational Mechanics Problem (Rotating solid wooden disk)

    Although the wooden disk is rotating, the block's motion is circular, that means there must be a force (centripetal force) that keeps it going in circles. In this particular example, it's the friction. Fμ = v2 / R
  3. H

    Got a girls number, what do I do next?

    Well surely you 2 are going to do other things than running? Once you're sitting alone with her then start flirting abit. Maybe in the beginning compliment her a little and move on from there I hope you're kidding. Read what i wrote more carefully
  4. H

    Pressure, Buoyant Force problem

    3/4=0.75 is not the Precentage dude, it's 75%
  5. H

    Pressure, Buoyant Force problem

    (Density of the object / density of the fluid) x 100 = Prencentage of object's volume in the fluid
  6. H

    How Much Force to Keep Foam Underwater?

    But if the object isn't moving should'nt it mean ƩF = 0 → buoyancy = mg ?? Why should we subtract them?
  7. H

    Got a girls number, what do I do next?

    Be flirty. Treat a girl like a male friend => Friend zone. Flirt with her and definitely break the touch barrier sooner than later. Let her know your intentions through body language, if she doesn't seem to keen then next her
  8. H

    Have any of you ever had a man-crush?

    so dreamy.. no homo
  9. H

    What Are Fun Alternatives to Clubbing and Drinking?

    I don't know really. Haven't had any fun in a long, long time. All i do is study nowadays, hopefully it pays off in march I do like watching soccer/football in weekends tho
  10. H

    Can a 400 pound tuna still be considered a small fish?

    Hello and welcome to the forum ! :) Lulz