
My screen name is, Hoverdasher--named after a fictional character in a novel that has never been published.

You may call me, Katie. My given name is Kathryn.

Allow me to tell you a bit about myself.

I am a skeptical theist--not affiliated with any religion.

I believe science centers on the human passion for constructing meaning--for understanding the reality within which we have awakened to find ourselves.

I am a bit controversial.

While I cannot help but know the empirical exists--as it is easily observed, explicit and obvious. Still, there is a part of me wanting to know about aspects of reality, which are not empirical.

For example, I enjoy reading about the different elements and their properties--from the periodic table. I enjoy studying the empirical aspects of reality all humans share.

Yet, I find it similarly enjoyable to read and think about such things as: living & dying, ethics & morality, social reasoning & behavior, affect and emotional reasoning--along with other forms of reality that are non-empirical.

I also believe it is possible to reason about non-empirical reality, intellectually.

Finally, if I could follow three people for three years, I would choose to learn from the following:

Stephen Hawking
Jesus of Galilee

Who are three professors you should like to sit beneath and learn from?
Dec 5, 1968 (Age: 55)
Wichita, Kansas
Educational Background
Degree in
Favorite Area of Science
Quantum Physics