Recent content by Hydrargyrum

  1. H

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Would playing chess help you think like an engineer?
  2. H

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    When I can't think of things, i look at pictures for ideas
  3. H

    Studying Can You Balance Mechanical Engineering Studies with a Social Life?

    I guess engineering will be perfect for me then since I don't have a life now and probably never will
  4. H

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    What's so great about EE? I hear it requires a lot of complex analysis, but what are the benefits
  5. H

    Problem Verifing Identities in Trig

    Sorry. I didn't read your posts
  6. H

    Problem Verifing Identities in Trig

    Have you learned about the power reduction formulas yet? It looks easier by using those to me.
  7. H

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Are there enough job openings for civil engineers?
  8. H

    List of topics that theoretical physicist has to master?

    Sounds like Vector calculus and multivariable calculus to me. It might be differential equations
  9. H

    Physicists famous for not-physics

    Joseph Lagrange Carl Gauss Leonhard EulerAll are famous for their impact in math
  10. H

    Physics Careers outside of Physics for Physics Majors?

    you could be a video game designer
  11. H

    Optimizing Study Time: A Second Year Student's Experience in Chemical Physics

    I do go beyond my classes. I'm teaching myself calculus and it's pretty easily sometimes, much easier than algebra. And the Newton part, I know no one is going smarter than him or Joseph Lagrange, so there's no point in trying to be.
  12. H

    Optimizing Study Time: A Second Year Student's Experience in Chemical Physics

    I only said I don't study. I didn't say I'm the next Isaac Newton. And I don't think I'm the smartest person here; in fact, I think I'm the dumbest. Besides, I'm sure you didn't study in high school either.