Recent content by Janus

  1. Janus

    B Stopping power of rifle slugs

    The distance to the target plays a role here. A larger slug has more mass per surface area than a smaller one, so is going to lose velocity over distance less and be more effective at long range. It sounds like this was a close range shot, so under these circumstances, this becomes less of a...
  2. Janus

    I How Does a Magneto Work in Aviation?

    Small single engine aircraft use the magneto system because it allows the plane to keep flying even if the rest of the electrical system fails. In fact, they have two magnetos. You typically use both, but the engine will run on just 1, allowing you to make it to an airport. One of the...
  3. Janus

    What were you doing at 16?

    It's not as impressive as it sounds. As I said, it was a small rural community, and a small high school. Thus the competition for a position on a team was not that large.
  4. Janus

    What were you doing at 16?

    Junior yr of high school. Was on the football( lineman), wrestling, and track team( discus & shot. Made it to state with the discus) Treasurer for the FFA chapter. Living in a small rural community of Northwest Oregon, in a house surrounded by forest, with the nearest neighbor 3/4 mi away.
  5. Janus

    B Interstellar navigation to Proxima B with an unmanned probe

    A trip would be likely done in stages. First stage: Reach the Proxima system. Second stage: assume an orbit around Proxima. Third stage: locate Proxima B, and observe it long enough to get a good fix on its orbit. Forth stage: alter orbit to one intersecting with Proxima B. Fifth stage...
  6. Janus

    Can an imminent laser strike ever be observable?

    You are moving at say 0.9999c relative to laser emitter. To find the speed the light moves relative to you, As measured by you, Newtonian physics says you use 1c-0.9999c = 0.0001c. With Relativity, you use (1c-0.9999c)/(1- 1c(0.9999c)/c^2. A bit of simplifying yields...
  7. Janus

    Can an imminent laser strike ever be observable?

    No, everything doesn't change. Everything, regardless of how fast it moves are subject to Relativity. For example, in Newtonian Physics, you add velocities by V1+V2= VT, but in Relativity, it is (V1+V2)/(1+V1(V2)/c^2) If V1 is 0.001c and V2is 0.001c, then Newton says they add to 0.002 c, but...
  8. Janus

    Stargazing How Can You Capture Stunning Moon Photos with a Remote Control?

    Here's a collage of photos I took a while back with my old Cannon PowerShot SX510 HS (30x zoom)
  9. Janus

    I It's still not clear to me what's the limit of light propagation

    "Tends to" but never reaches. It's like the equation y= 1/n, it tends to 0 as n approaches infinity, but since n can never reach infinity, y can never reach 0
  10. Janus

    Using Kepler's laws to calculate elliptical planetary motion

    Simply put, Orbital energy is the sum of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. KE = 1/2mv^2 GPE = -GMm/r which is derived by applying calculus to Fg= GMm/r^2 Now, for a circular orbit, v=sqrt(GM/r) Plugging this in for v in the KE+GPE equation(E2), and simplifying gives you...
  11. Janus

    B Could you use the Moon to reflect sunlight onto a solar sail?

    It takes a huge mass to bend light by any noticeable amount. For example, a ray of light passing just over the surface of the Sun is only deflected by 1.7 seconds of an arc. (1 sec = 1/3600 of a degree). This means that the "focus point" where light passing near the Sun would converge is some...
  12. Janus

    I Effects of the centre of gravity on aircraft's stability

    As Russ has already mentioned, you need to stay within the CG envelope. In essence, you don't want things to get to the point where control surfaces are not capable of achieving the correct pitch for the aircraft( especially during times like take-off and landing). It is also important to work...
  13. Janus

    What Are the True Origins of the Hungarians?

    Here a timeline of the Uralic languages, starting with proto-Uralic in 3000BC
  14. Janus

    B What Does the Astro Physics Equation from Lewis Season 8 Episode 2 Mean?

    To be exact, G does not need to have a value given in m3 kg-1 s-2 That's for when you are working in MKS units. You can express it in AU, solar masses and years, giving it a value of 39.478 AU3yr-2Ms-1
  15. Janus

    What insights can ancient DNA provide about human ancestry?

    I went for MyHeritage as I was more likely to have matches outside the US then in, as all my grandparents were immigrants. This turned out to be the case, as out of nearly 92,000 matches, only 4000 are in the US. 55,000 of the matches are from in Finland. Another feature they have is "Genetic...