Recent content by jj22vw25

  1. J

    Proving Continuity of a Function Using Epsilon-Delta Definition

    ||(x,y) - (a,b)|| is a norm measuring the distance from (a,b) to (x,y), what do you mean how is it defined? Distance between points in R^2, euclidean norm.
  2. J

    Proving Continuity of a Function Using Epsilon-Delta Definition

    I am also interested in this question. I understand what is required for the proof, but I am just stuck as to how to manipulate: |f(x,b) - f(a,b)| into something that resembles δ?? We know that: 0 < ||(x,y) - (a,b) || < δ \Rightarrow |f(x,y) - f(a,b)| < ε as the limit is equal to the...