Recent content by justa18unlv

  1. J

    Is W a Subspace of R^3 and What is Its Geometry?

    I'm stuck on a problem which asks: Determine whether W is a subspace of R^3. If W is a subspace, then give geometric description of W. The problem is W={x:x3=2x1-x2} and x=[x1, x2, x3] I tried solving it but I'm having a hard time understanding the properties of R^n and using them. I guess I'm...
  2. J

    MCAT Physics Problem: Elastic Properties of Solids

    To all, So i"m studying physics for MCAT and I'm on solids sections, specifically on elastic properties of solids, I kind of get it but there is a problem I do not understand. The problem is: A 2.5-kilogram (kg) mass is attached to one end of a sample of artery with 0.05 centimeter (cm)...