Recent content by Kajal Sengupta

  1. Kajal Sengupta

    Announcement Who Won the 2018 PF Member Awards?

    Congratulations to all the winners.
  2. Kajal Sengupta

    Potentiometer nulling voltages in a circuit

    I usually give this simple explanation for null deflection. If we take the conventional direction of current then the cell E1 causes a current to flow in the wire AB in anticlockwise direction whereas E2 does in clockwise direction. When we touch the jockey at different points on the wire these...
  3. Kajal Sengupta

    Least Exciting Areas of Physics: What Subfield Do You Find the Most Boring?

    To me the most boring area is the Acoustics. I don't know why I never ever liked it.
  4. Kajal Sengupta

    Engineering Physics vs Applied Physics vs Engineering

    @ Dabac, I also felt the same way as you do and was totally disillusioned by theoretical Physics in graduation. I did my Masers in Applied Physics and loved it. It was a course somewhere between pure Physics and Engineering. I enjoyed it extremely. Fortunately the course was designed in such a...
  5. Kajal Sengupta

    Physics Best Qualities to be a Physicist?

    Awesome. I liked it immensely.
  6. Kajal Sengupta

    Engineering Choosing physics over engineering

    Hope your meeting with the said personnel went of well. I am curious what did you decide finally. Hope you do not mind sharing it because this is a dilemma faced by many. Physics as a subject evokes a lot of interest but the difficulty is that it has lesser number of job opportunities unless you...
  7. Kajal Sengupta

    Introducing SHM to high school students

    Thanks for your suggestions. It means a lot. By the way, may be the way I wrote about Sine and Cosine functions makes it seem that they are the only functions which repeats itself after regular interval of time but I really did not mean they are the unique functions doing so. It was wrong...
  8. Kajal Sengupta

    Studying What is the best way to learn calculus?

    It is good to clear the concept first. Mastering calculus also needs a lot of practice solving all kinds of numerical exercises. You need to have sound knowledge of Trigonometry and Algebra.There are ample online and offline material available for this. For beginners I also recommend Khan...
  9. Kajal Sengupta

    Astrophysics Careers: Job Opportunities & Advice

    I like your spirit Julia00. No doubt Astrophysics is a niche field of study but a really dedicated person might always find some way to get arelevant opportunity. At least you will not regret that you did not try. Best wishes for you.
  10. Kajal Sengupta

    Introducing SHM to high school students

    My approach is to bring in the Physics first and then the Mathematical equations. I tell them that in Kinematics we use equations of motion to find position, velocity acceleration etc. When we are dealing with S.H.M. we have to describe a motion which is repetitive in nature so we need an...
  11. Kajal Sengupta

    Physics Areas of physics that uses Statistics

    Hi,It is good to see that you are interested in Physics. I am a Physics teacher and have found in all these years that the only area where Physics is in demand is teaching. There is a dearth of good Physics teachers. The other area where Physicists are in demand is research. Openings are few and...
  12. Kajal Sengupta

    Physics Is a physics degree good for a stable job?

    You seem to have got some good advice. I endorse all that they have to say. I would like to add that instead of studying pure Physics at post graduation level if you opt for Applied Physics then your job prospects are better. This will be a course which will be like a bridge between Engineering...
  13. Kajal Sengupta

    Acceleration at maximum displacement

    I have a different approach to explain this. Gravitational force is not velocity dependent and would act even if the body is at rest ( for example a box on the ground). So when the ball reaches the maximum height and its velocity is zero, the gravitational force will continue to act in the same...
  14. Kajal Sengupta

    Article in "The physics teacher" "Only two forms of energy"

    I thought that Kinetic and Potential energy are the only two forms of mechanical energy. It is different from heat or light , for that matter any other forms of energy we know. Am I right? Your thoughts?