Recent content by kellven

  1. K

    Helicopter UAV - Required Power

    At 0.5 FOM(lowest bound) ~1.1358 maybe 1300m W=FV You have 15211W, and gravity gives you 932N resistance for 16.32m/s ideal ascent FOM(0.8)=9000m/16.32m/s=552s to reach alt FOM(0.5)=1300m/16.32m/s=80s to reach alt 15211W*552s = 8,396,472J energy required 15211W*80s = 1,216,880J Assuming...
  2. K

    Helicopter UAV - Required Power

    The Power required might be decreasing, but so is the thrust, as it's also dependent on density, there is a differential in the rates, however. Too tired to work it out properly, but using Momentum Theory (hover) T=2pAVi^2 P=T*Vi=sqrt(T^3/(2pA)) then rearranging T^3/(2A*P^2)=p p is...