Recent content by kingofsouls

  1. K

    Help with finding the volume of a triangle using definite intergral

    My textbok doesn't really explain how to do it. It just does it. And besides, I did try to do this problem for the last 45 minutes, and i got nowhere. Also, the books explanation in an exmple problem makes no sence... EDIT: Figured it out, lock please.
  2. K

    Help with finding the volume of a triangle using definite intergral want me to look in a textbook that dosen;t explain how it got it's answer.
  3. K

    Help with finding the volume of a triangle using definite intergral

    I'm still not getting this. Can you work it out so I can see it?
  4. K

    Help with finding the volume of a triangle using definite intergral I know how to do volumes or rotations, but this is a cone, not a line on a graph.
  5. K

    Help with finding the volume of a triangle using definite intergral

    Hi. I need some help for a test tomoorow on thi sone kind of problem: Homework Statement Set up and evaluate an intergral to find the olume of a cone of height 12 m and radius 3 m at teh open end. A fast replay would be really helpful.