Recent content by lolipop

  1. L

    Schools Can high school students submit paper?

    Ah... I was rather curious as well, as to to process of getting a paper published. I am working on a little something of my own at the moment. =)
  2. L

    Is Moving from the UK to the US for School and Work a Good Idea?

    I'm also Canadian, and have been entertaining the idea of (trying to) do my schooling in the US... Also, it's almost ridiculous to waste your time looking for a job in the Physics field within BC - open positions are few and far between.
  3. L

    Carbon-14 Dating: Accuracy and Other Methods

    Okay well, my friend just informed me that it is believed Ancient Egyptians used Uranium/Plutonium to rub over the wrappings, which may cause an issue with the particle decay of common C-14...
  4. L

    Carbon-14 Dating: Accuracy and Other Methods

    I'm pretty sure C-14 dating would work fine for Egyptian mummies, seeing as (on average) they are only 5000 years old tops.