Recent content by losk

  1. L

    Short question about length contraction

    MM was designed to prove the stationary aether, and it succeeded in disproving it. However, it says nothing about the light medium that moves just like bodies do, attracted to them by gravity, just like satellites are. Performing MM in a motion relative to Earth surface would clear that up. Or...
  2. L

    Deriving Lorentz contraction from Michelson-Morley experiment

    I don't understand how is GPS system like MM experiment? MM is designed to measure the potential difference in times it takes light to move in different directions, in a two way trip. How is this like GPS, and what is the basis for saying so, like a paper with experimental data?
  3. L

    Deriving Lorentz contraction from Michelson-Morley experiment

    moving relative to ECEF frame, the same one in which MM experiment was originally conducted.
  4. L

    Short question about length contraction

    Given that Michelson-Morley experiment lies at the heart of all this, does anyone know if it was every done while apparatus was in motion relative to Earth? As opposed to sitting in the lab.
  5. L

    Deriving Lorentz contraction from Michelson-Morley experiment

    Question: has Michelson-Morley experiment ever performed in a setup moving relative to Earth? For example in an airplane, or a vehicle, or in some laboratory moving setup, or maybe aboard a satellite that is not geostationary?