Recent content by magnumartus

  1. M

    Complete ordered fields are Archimedean

    I got it, thanks a lot. Can someone explain why |n+1-y| < epsilon when |n-y| < epsilon ?
  2. M

    Complete ordered fields are Archimedean

    hi there, in this proof i didnt understand why |n+1-y| < epsilon. I think that If |n-y|< epsilon then |n+1-y|<epsilon+1. Where am I wrong? Also, I didnt understand why the sequence is bounded above by x, isn't it unbounded? How can we bound 1,2,3 ... ?
  3. M

    Epsilon Argument: Does "a<r+eps" Imply "a<=r"?

    hey, it helped a lot. thank you all
  4. M

    Epsilon Argument: Does "a<r+eps" Imply "a<=r"?

    Hi, Want to show: a<=r However I ended up with such an argument: For each eps>0, a<r+eps. Does this statement imply a<=r?