Recent content by Makiavel

  1. M

    Understanding Transistors: A Basic Guide

    How Transistors Works? tks!
  2. M

    Could we see galaxies that were receding faster than the speed of light?

    Why does the universe expand? well, because density of universe is small, so the gravitation force doesn't have "force" to atract this mass and with time density will smaller. and the gravitation force will go too small to atract this mass and universe will expand forever. and we pass of...
  3. M

    Solving Rusty Fences at the Beach

    tks for your cooperation
  4. M

    Solving Rusty Fences at the Beach

    ##Rusty Problems## Hi, in my beach we have much problem with rusty in fences, anybody knows a good solution for this problem? Tks!
  5. M

    Gauss's Law and an irregular shape

    only applie this ∫Е.dΑ = q\ε where lambda = dq/dA