Recent content by MathCreature

  1. M

    I Sketching simple coupled oscillators

    If I'm given dx/dt = 2π - sin(y - x), dy/dx = 2π - sin(x - y), and finally the conditions x(0) = pi/2 and y(0) = 0, what would be the best way to hand sketch the solutions without using an explicit solution?
  2. M

    I Using a bifurcation diagrams and time dependent parameters

    Thanks for the reply. I believe I found someone who has the same problem: I've gone through my "Strogatz's Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos" and haven't found any problems like this, so I'm at a loss at how...
  3. M

    I Using a bifurcation diagrams and time dependent parameters

    Hello, I'm lost at where to go after drawing bifurcation diagram of $$\dot{x} = r + x - x^3.$$ If we also assume our parameter is time dependent such that $$\dot{r} = -\delta x.$$ How could we use our initial bifurcation diagram to sketch solutions for small δ?