Recent content by mishi003

  1. M

    Exploring the Effects of a Bar Magnet & Solenoid

    the magnet would be attracted to one side and then it would be situted at the centre of the soenoid . this is proven by a formula which shows tht the magnetic attraction is a function of the distn e btween the magent and the solenoid centre and this becomes a minimum whn the two centres coincide
  2. M

    Bar magnet entering a solenoid

    on similar lines, i have a doubt. i have a permanent magnet that moves due to current that is applied to the solenoid. based on the polarity due to the current ofcourse. Say it attracts. now since the bar magnet is moving with some acceleration towards the coil, there would be a change in the...
  3. M

    Mathematica [Mathematica] Plotting a straight line in a 3D plot

    hello, I am need to solve for a program that would give the equation of a line with one pt(x,y,z) and makes angle p to x-axis and q to y axis. I have written a program that is too long, Is there an easy way to do the same?