Recent content by mlitzky

  1. mlitzky

    Can Self-Taught Scientists Find Support in Online Communities?

    Just saying hi. I'm a 55-year-old guy working my way through the Resnick/Halliday Physics 5th ed, and also a book on Linear Algebra. At the same time, I'm reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics and listening to the audios of his wonderful voice explaining stuff. Some of this is just for my...
  2. mlitzky

    Which Feynman Lectures edition is best

    Thanks for the quick reply. Ah well, it's still informative listening to Feynman speak and following along in the printed book.
  3. mlitzky

    Which Feynman Lectures edition is best

    I was excited to learn of the plan to release the original audio tapes of the Feynman Lectures with pictures of the visual aids and what he wrote on the blackboard. I've long had a dream of "auditing the class" by listening to the lectures two per week as they were originally delivered, but got...