Recent content by MustangGT

  1. M

    Potential difference and a conductor

    I would think of it this way: Gauss' Law relates the electric field to the charge enclosed by an imaginary symmetric surface, and the electric field is related to the voltage as E = -del(V) = -dE/dr where the last term is the partial derivative of potential w.r.t. radial distance. p.s. I...
  2. M

    Understanding Electromotive Force (emf) in a Circuit

    EMF is the same thing as voltage. In SI units, one volt is given as one Newton meter per coulomb, thus emf is the energy per unit charge. The work-energy theorem leads to the definition of emf as the amount of work done by the source on the charge in moving it around the circuit. By...
  3. M

    How to solve two equations involving complex variables?

    It's just algebra, you have two equations in two unknowns. You can solve for Ix in terms of Iy and then do substitution. The complex coefficients you have represent the reactive components in your circuit, if they don't end up canceling then your currents will be out of phase with your...
  4. M

    Deriving Position & Motion Functions of Moving Particles

    I have never used LaTex before, so excuse me if this looks funny: It depends on the situation. The general one dimensional equation for linear position is x(t) = x0 + v0t + (1/2)a0t2 + (1/3)jt3 where x0 is the initial displacement, v0 is the initial velocity, and a0 is the initial...
  5. M

    How to Design a J-K Flip Flop Using VHDL?

    try this: Entity T_FF IS PORT( T, Clock : IN STD_LOGIC; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC; END T_FF; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF T_FF IS signal tmp : STD_LOGIC; BEGIN PROCESS (Clock) BEGIN IF Clock' EVENT AND Clock = '1' THEN if T = '1' THEN tmp <= NOT tmp...
  6. M

    Plane in Space R^3: Crossing Points & Triple Integral

    i.) to find the intersection with the z axis, set y=x=0; for y intersection, set x=z=0..and so on. ii.) you have the function P = 6x + 3y + z - 6. Note that dV = dxdydz, so pick one (lets say dz) and integrate with respect to it to get integral(P, z) = 3xz + 3yz/2 + (z^2)/2 - 3z. Now, you do...
  7. M

    Motor for Toy Car: Finding the Right RPM

    maybe this will help you:
  8. M

    Conservation of energy and momentum

    Generally, one would use energy to describe two occurrences that are separated by distance, while moment would apply to two occurrences that are separated by time if that makes sense. For instance, when considering the amount of energy converted by a single generator in an impoundment...