Recent content by nemzy

  1. N

    Some archaea uses different start codons

    in some archaea, it uses TTG start codon most of the time, rather than the conventional ATG.. Does anyone know what the significance of this is?
  2. N

    Does Increasing Osmolarity Mean Increasing Solute Concentration?

    when we say increasing osmolarity, does it mean increasing solute concentration?
  3. N

    Question regarding water potential

    today in bio lab we measured the change in weight of potatoes when it was placed in diff molal sucrose conc for 1 hour. However, there was a question on the lab that i didnt understand what condition must be met for the size and shape of potato pieces to have no influence upon the results...
  4. N

    Plants alternation of generations

    okay so the plant has two life cycles: the diploid stage - sporophyte the haploid stage - gametophyte but is the archegonium and antheridium diploid or haploid? and is the protnema diploid or haploid? thanks
  5. N

    Sponges & Spicules: Determining Calcerious or Siliceous & Environmental Effects

    how would u know if the spicules of a spnge or calcerious or siliceous? Also, what environmental consideration might have an influence on whether a sponge is or flattened? Is there any relatnsiohp between the funcion of the spicules and behavirol responses? what characteristics are...
  6. N

    Mitosis: 2n=12 - Help Understanding Chromosome/DNA Content

    i know the stages of mitosis clearly, but i don't understand the chrosomoes duplicating part... although that site has plentiful info about mitosis/meiosis that site didnt answer my questions
  7. N

    Mitosis: 2n=12 - Help Understanding Chromosome/DNA Content

    Lets say for example, that a cell contains 2n=12 chromosomes.. In mitosis and..does that mean that in g1: cell has 6 chromosomes and 6 molecules of dna s: cell has 12 molecules of dna g2: cell has 12 chromosomes and 12 molecules of dna so at the end of mitosis, the cell with have...
  8. N

    Codons aren't basic units of the genetic code right?

    codons aren't basic units of the genetic code right? my friend told me that it does but i remember in lecture that proff said it doesn't but maybe i misheard
  9. N

    Interphase & Genes: Does Independent Assortment Occur?

    i know that during interphase dna gets replicated, gene expression gets regulated, but does independent assortment of genes occur in interphase? thanks
  10. N

    Help relativity exam in in 5 hours

    thank u! i was stuck on that problem forever
  11. N

    Help relativity exam in in 5 hours

    i got 8.78e-14 when plugging into that equation?
  12. N

    Reference frames in relativity

    nm i reread my book and found the answer thanks
  13. N

    Help relativity exam in in 5 hours

    urgent help relativity exam in in 5 hours an electrion with mass 9.11e031 kg has momentum 4e-22. what is its kinetic energy the answer is 6.3e-14 J but i have no idea how to get here relativity kinetic energy = (y-1)mc^2 where y = 1/(square root of 1-(v^2/c^2) momentum = ymu thats...
  14. N

    Reference frames in relativity

    why is it that when two events occur simultaneosuly at separated points on the x-axis of reference fram S, the observer moving in the positive X direction sees the event withe largest x coordinate first shouldnt it be the smallest?
  15. N

    Pronuclei and polar bodies

    in male pronuclei and sperm pronuclei, they differ in formation because the male has an Y chromsome where female has both XX right? are there any other differences? and how do the first and second polar bodies differ in terms of their chrosome content?